Trade-offs: clicks vs content vs clutter
What’s an online journey like? Think of users navigating the world wide web as explorers on an expedition in search of whatever it is they are looking for on the internet. How easily do th...
10 Things You’ll Want to do to Improve the Experience for Your Website Visitors
Your website demands continuous improvement in order for it to stay highly competitive. To help you have a competitive website, we have compiled a list of 10 hacks that will improve the expe...
Why user testing on your new app is so important
All apps are created with the intent to provide a solution, fill a gap or—at the very least—to amuse its users. But how do app designers and developers know for sure that they are on the...
What is Agile Web Development?
Agile is one of the most commonly used web project management methodologies today. A survey shows that more than half of the 601 respondents now use Agile versus traditional approaches, such...
AMP Web Development: What Is It?
Most of our online activities these days are done via our mobile devices. This is why web developers and content publishers (e.g., bloggers, content writers) are constantly finding ways to r...